EditorialReviews Building a Better Tablet January 4, 2012 1745 views “In 2012, XYZ Co have to build a better tablet [..] A REAL iPad competitor” I hear this far too…
EditorialReviews Using A MacBook Pro As Your Full-Time Work Computer May 4, 2010 2037 views About four years ago, I decided I had enough of being the family tech support guy and through in my…
ReviewsTech Rolling Your Own ShortURL Service January 13, 2010 2747 views Today we are announcing the 2FatDads.com ShortURL service, this is the first product or service that 2FatDads has ever launched.…
Video Vista SP1 Rocks? = FAIL April 17, 2008 768 views I am ashamed to own a Dell and to call myself an MS developer. Also Bruce Springsteen needs to sue…