Tag: Op-Ed

  • Thoughts on PodCamp Montreal: The Man who Jumped off the Cliff.

    Aside from an SEO marketer’s p.o.v, a hard-to-follow Blog Mom Strategist and one attendee who failed miserably with his facts during the Q&A period, it was a good conference.  Not yet a Keynote Address (I’m surprised we weren’t able to conjure up His Royal Steveness from the amount of RDF radiating out of all those…

  • You Dirty Remote Access Tool.

    Someone, in the PRoC, has apparently manage to shanghai thousands of computers connected to the InterTubes and use them as an information gathering /surveillance device.   In the gool ol’ days of the Cold War, they simply called it spying. The GhostNet, as it is called by the (Canadian) guys who uncovered it, was using…