Tag: family

  • Support My Ride to Conquer Cancer

    Support My Ride to Conquer Cancer

    Last year I challenged myself to ride over 5,000KM before I turned 40, in part it was a deal with myself to stay fit so I could keep up with my 4 kids and also to make my daily commute a little bit more pleasant. On November 2, I completed 5,800KM and totally fell in…

  • The 2FatDads Get Interviewed By iSpyMontreal

    We were recently interviewed by Jessica Howard of iSpyMontreal.com a blog about navigating Montreal with kids, one weekend at a time. It’s a great resource to help fellow parents identify baby- and child-friendly places and events, and plan fun family weekends. Steph’s skating articles also get a nice write up too. From the interview: Gather…

  • There’s nothing like the smell of a 2-stroke in the morning!

    The downside to Twitter is don’t get context, you don’t get explanations, you don’t get the meaningful conversations that can only happen in a blog (YMMV)! So I thought I’d follow this series of tweets about gas vs. electric lawncare tools with a bit more background and discussion