Dadcast DadCast Episode 27 • WoW The DadCast October 30, 2010 4025 views Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… This week we’re joined by Montreal Habs Fan, WordPress and PHP…
Stuff Secre-Terrible Jobs October 27, 2010 871 views I am now so bad at writing in English that iI’m actively inventing words to express my extreme dissatisfaction with…
Stuff BlackBerry PlayBook Demo Highlights from Adobe MAX October 27, 2010 903 views I just posted the following comment on the Blackberry’s Developer’s Blog article BlackBerry PlayBook Demo Highlights from Adobe MAX. Seriously?!…
EditorialTECHnically REALLY?? October 27, 2010 961 views The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs : What’s the #1 most crazy idea Steve Ballmer has ever heard?: “‘You’re going…
StuffTECHnically The Skypeasaurus is still a Gold Standard October 26, 2010 946 views Equipment – The Official TWiT Wiki: “Skypeasaurus: used for Skype calls beginning 3/7/2009. Four Acer V173b monitors attached to four…
FunnyTECHnically The Dual Dell Vostrocity FreeFall Fall October 26, 2010 1377 views This morning, Ken (@TheGeekCook) and Adi (@Adisor19) where trying to set up a brand new Dell Vostro that just would…
Stuff Developer Problem Solving Sequence October 25, 2010 1083 views Programmer problem solving sequence From Phillipe Leybaert: ” 2010 developer’s problem solving sequence: Google Coworkers StackOverflow RTFM Think “ Sadly…
Stuff Marco Ament on The MacBook Air Backlit Keyboard October 25, 2010 1008 views “But I doubt that the backlit keyboard was dropped for power or cost reasons (at least, I hope it…
Stuff BlackBerry – Tablet OS – Calling All Apps for the BlackBerry Tablet OS October 25, 2010 758 views BlackBerry – Tablet OS – Calling All Apps for the BlackBerry Tablet OS: “The initial release of the BlackBerry Tablet…
Stuff Aperture 3.1 Released: Major Performance Fixes October 22, 2010 901 views Aperture 3.1: Release notes: “Library Improves performance when opening large libraries. Fixes an issue that could prevent thumbnails from being…