Google Maps Mobile NOW with Street View for the BlackBerry

So I’ve been playing with the new Google Maps Mobile v 2.3.1 for the BlackBerry for a few hours now and although I dreading to see how much data I have consumed, I am very very impressed with the new added feature. The above video explains it very very well, but should you have YouTube blocked off at work, let me just run it down for you:


First their is full blown Street View, simply click the menu button, scroll down a little and voila: Street View. Now Montreal has yet to be captured by the Google Street View crew and neither has Covent Garden in London so I wandered down the streets of Manhattan and visited the Apple Store on 5th avenue. Apart form a UPS van block my view of he glass cube I was rather rather impressed. The picture on the right is the same thing you see when you look at Street View from a desktop or notebook computer. The Cool feature that is also replicated from the desktop version is Fullscreen view,

Next this that is pretty cool but also featured in version 2.2.1, is the transit and walking directions. So you are out and about on Le Plateau and your are trying to find that new coffee shop your friend has talked to you about but you have already found the greatest parking space ever, simply pull out the old BlackBerry Curve, type in the name of the trendy java house and select walking instead of Driving and transit and voil, your expresso allongé is merely paces away, it also detects if there are any  toll booths ahead, this way you know when to use your ez pass ny.

And let’s not forget about the pretty cool core features of Traffic, My Location with built in GPS, and Drive to Drive From. So if you get a chance to load this on your device and get Lost! Seriously, it’s the most fun you’ll have in weeks.
